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User's claims, an instrument to evaluate nursing

Título : User's claims, an instrument to evaluate nursing Autor : Fernández-Sola, Cayetano; Granero-Molina, José Resumen: The survey of the health care quality through the analysis of claims is an accredited tool in the biography consulted. Although users´ assessments concerning nurses are usually positive, complaints are nevertheless increasing through different ways. Our objectives are to study both, the user's perception of our deficiencies and the professionals´ attitude with their patients. We propose an observable evaluation through the analysis of documents (claims presented by radiology service users from January 2000 to September 2003 and reported by the nursing department, as well as the supervisor´s reports to the management of the hospital). Most of the claims denounce: delay in the appointments, lengthy periods of waiting, incorrect manners, insufficient information, bad professional praxis, lost of explorations, lack of material, etc. We agree on the revised surveys that the claims are valid as indicators of a deficient assistance and in their systematic study to detect and to correct organisational, structural defects, etc. The changes we have embarked on will not be useful if no other changes in the relationship professional/patient take place, which starts by "knowing what they say to us".

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